ACGF Officers meeting, Watertown, SD September 8, 2023: L-R: Mark Lounsbery, Vice Chairman; Dan McGuire, ACGF Consultant/Policy Director; Gale Lush, Chairman; Dennis Mitchell, Sec-Treasurer with posters in the background showing US ethanol plant map and growth of corn use for ethanol to 5.3 billion bushels annually during the 20-year period of ACGF's successful policy outreach and public education work.

ACGF officers reviewing 20-year poster record documenting ACGF's successful renewable energy work, including ethanol/biofuels, wind and solar energy policy outreach and project development work.

ACGF officers Lush, Mitchell and Lounsbery discuss federal renewable energy support vs fossil fuels.

ACGF officer Mitchell reviews essential economic benefit of ethanol's 5.3 billion bu. of annual corn demand and how E-10, E-15, E-30 and E-85 ethanol blends keep gasoline pump prices about $1/gallon lower for consumers while reducing air pollutants/greenhouse gases and creating good-paying jobs in rural America.

L-E85 price of $2.299 in Watertown, SD on 9-8-23 and e15, e30, e85 prices in Lincoln, NE on 9-8-23.
ACGF Policy Director McGuire making ethanol and sustainable energy presentation.
ACGF Policy Director McGuire during interview on sustainable farming practices.
McGuire at ACGF education booth advocating ethanol and renewable energy.