GMO 2001 Survey

If grain elevators, grain processors, and grain exporters require that GMO corn be segregated from traditional, non-GMO corn will that influence your decision to plant more or fewer acres to GMO corn in the future.

      NG      IA      IL      NE      MN      IN      KS      WI      OH      MI      MS      TX      CO      KY      SD 
   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
TOTAL 500 99 85 65 55 36 18 25 25 13 15 8 5 1 20
TOTAL ANSWERING 500 99 85 65 55 36 18 25 25 13 15 8 5 1 20
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Yes 321 65 61 45 38 23 8 14 18 7 7 4 4   9
  64.2% 65.7% 71.8% 69.2% 69.1% 63.9% 44.4% 56.0% 72.0% 53.8% 46.7% 50.0% 80.0%   45.0%
No 152 28 21 18 14 11 8 10 7 4 5 4 1   9
  30.4% 28.3% 24.7% 27.7% 25.5% 30.6% 44.4% 40.0% 28.0% 30.8% 33.3% 50.0% 20.0%   45.0%
Not Sure/Don't Know
25 6 2 2 3 2 2 1   2 3     1 1
  5.0% 6.1% 2.4% 3.1% 5.5% 5.6% 11.1% 4.0%   15.4% 20.0%     100.0% 5.0%
[DO NOT READ] Refused 2   1                       1
  0.4%   1.2%                       5.0%