GMO 2001 Survey
2001 ACGF Corn Producers Survey GMO's & Markets
ANALYSIS - FIG 1 - Importance of GMO Market Issues
All respondents were asked:
Our first question is aimed at finding out how important you think the views of U.S. consumers and foreign markets are to U.S. farmers on the issue of genetically modified commodities (GMO’s).  On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being very important and 5 being not important at all, how important is it for you, as a farmer, to take the concerns of U.S. consumers and foreign markets into consideration, when you decide whether to plant GMO or traditional non-GMO corn varieties?
Half (51%) of respondents stated that it was very important to them when deciding how much GMO corn to plant.  Significantly higher rates of awareness were noted in the following states: Kansas, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Minnesota.
Twenty-seven percent of respondents stated that it was somewhat important to them, with an increased significance of responses noted within the state of Nebraska.
Thirteen percent of respondents stated that it was neither important nor unimportant with an increased rate of response from the state of Texas.  Five percent of respondents stated somewhat not important at all, another 5% stated not important at all to them.
Respondents were asked, “How many total acres did you plant in corn last year and this year?  Total corn acres in 2000 and 2001.”  These were asked as two separate questions.  Table 1 below illustrates all responses for total corn acres in 2000 and 2001.
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