GMO 2001 Survey
2001 ACGF Corn Producers Survey GMO's & Markets
FIG 3 - GMO Impact on Low Commodity Prices
Respondents were then asked,
“Is the rejection of U.S. GMO corn and soybeans by our largest export customers contributing to continued low commodity prices?”
Seventy-four percent of respondents stated that the rejection of U.S. GMO corn and soybeans by foreign countries is contributing to continued low commodity prices.  Significant figures were noted in all the states interviewed except in Missouri and Texas, which due to low sample size were more directional in significance.
Twenty percent of respondents stated that they did not think that the rejection of U.S. GMO corn and soybeans contributes to continued low commodity prices.  With increased response rates in: Minnesota, Missouri and South Dakota.  Six percent stated that they did not know.
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