GMO 2001 Survey
2001 ACGF Corn Producers Survey GMO's & Markets
The objective of this study was to conduct 500 telephone interviews with corn producers who have a minimum of 100 acres of corn planted.  They were asked how much corn they planted last year and this current year.  In addition, they were asked how many of those acres were planted in genetically modified corn (GMO) varieties.  Questions were asked that deal with the marketing strategies of other countries that threaten import markets for U.S. commodities abroad.
The first section also measures the total and mean corn acres planted in each state.  The objective of this study was to conduct 500 telephone interviews in the states: Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Robinson and Muenster Associates, Inc. (RMA) conducted these interviews with corn producers in the U.S. to evaluate the level of producer awareness regarding foreign markets concerning genetically modified commodities.
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