Ethanol, Renewable Fuels and Rural
Economic Development |
was established to advocate the benefits of renewable energy, which
is our primary program. ACGF has been and continues to be a strong
advocate of ethanol, wind energy and renewable energy. American Corn
Grower organization leaders conceived of the renewable fuels
standard (RFS) for ethanol in the late 1990’s and earlier 2000’s and
then, informed leaders of the potential economic benefits of that
policy for rural America and for U.S. consumers overall. Through
outreach and public education ACGF then advocated adoption of that
policy. As a result of 10% ethanol in the U.S. gasoline supply
American motorists paid $1.00 per gallon less in 2011 according to a
study by Iowa State University and the University of Wisconsin. The
lower gas prices at the pump from ethanol in the fuel mix saves U.S.
motorists about $112 billion annually given the total amount of
gasoline use.
The ethanol industry supports 400,000 U.S. jobs. A September 19,
2011 Progressive Farmer-DTN article cited three land-grant
university officials or studies (University of Nebraska Center for
Energy Sciences Research, South Dakota State University and Iowa
State University) and confirmed the economic benefits of ethanol to
U.S. consumers, taxpayers and cattle feeders. A quote from South
Dakota State University stated, “In this country, top livestock
producers are mixing DDGs with previously unused or under-used crop
residue. As a result, the animals are getting the same, or even more
crude protein and total digestible nutrients, than there was in the
corn alone. In other words there is no loss of feed, and the feed
vs. fuel argument becomes irrelevant.” Ethanol is a rural economic
development superstar. A University of Nebraska’s agricultural
economics analysis shows that ethanol is a key component of
Nebraska’s “Golden Triangle” of corn, cattle and ethanol. The report
states that ethanol’s 2010 economic contribution in Nebraska
included: Direct receipts of $3.4 billion with indirect (multiplier)
impacts on other businesses results totaling $4.5 billion in
business receipts; total direct and multiplier impacts of
$928,000,000 in gross state product; direct labor income of $223
million and a total of $585 million with the multiplier; and 3,000
direct jobs and nearly 8,000 more when indirect jobs are considered.
This program uses its resources for
public education and outreach on behalf of renewable energy. |
from the Wind |
Wealth From The Wind recognizes the potential economic and
environmental benefits of wind power generation for small and
mid-sized farms and rural communities, along with the contribution
wind power can make to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
It is no secret that the farm economy has its economic ups and downs
and faces many challenges, especially where commodity prices and
farm income are concerned from time to time. Looking at other ways
to provide farm income and rural economic development diversity is
important. Environmental stewardship cannot be ignored and wind
energy is a very positive energy source and beneficial to the
environment. Wind power opens up new opportunities for both the
economy and the environment while addressing the problems of global
Wealth From The Wind advocates research as well as positive
state and federal policies and programs to encourage farmer-owned
wind systems, the leasing of farmland for commercial wind
development, small-scale wind turbines for individual farm use and
net metering. This is accomplished through educational programs and
by providing information to the agricultural community including
governmental incentives such as the U. S. Department of Agriculture
(REAP) grant and loan program and programs available through the
U.S. Department of Energy. |
The National Wind Resource Guide |
Wind Energy Myths
Wind Powering America Fact Sheet Series
http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/37657.pdf (PDF 211 KB) |
2004 Wind
Producers Survey
Survey Results from the
June 14th Press Release |
2003 Wind
Producers Survey
Survey Results from the
April 21st Press Release |
2001 Wind & Climate Change Survey |