GMO 2000 Survey
Survey Poll Total Number of Results
Q1: What were the total number of acres you planted to corn this year (2000)?
Q2: What were the total number of acres you planted to corn last year (1999)?
Q3: If grain buyers require segregation of GMO corn from traditional, non-GMO corn, are you concerned that the responsibility for segregation will rest with the farmer?
Q4: If grain elevators, grain processors, and grain exporters require that GMO corn be segregated from traditional, non-GMO corn will that influence your decision to plant more or fewer acres to GMO corn in the future.
Q5: Would you plant more or fewer GMO corn acres?
Q6: If segregation becomes necessary, are you currently able to segregate GMO corn  from traditional, non-GMO corn with your existing on-farm storage system?
Q7: Are you concerned about farmers being held liable for contaminating traditional, non-GMO corn fields with GMO corn, through cross-pollination?
Q8 Should foreign export customers, that purchase U.S corn for importing into their country, have the right to choose to buy either GMO corn or traditional, non-GMO corn.
Q9: Table #9
Survey Poll State Table