GMO 2001 Survey
2001 ACGF Corn Producers Survey GMO's & Markets
FIG 2 - Non-GMO Competition Abroad
All respondents were read:
A marketing delegation from India recently went to Europe to promote the fact that they do not raise any GMO soybeans.  They are using that marketing strategy to compete for the large European soybean and soybean meal import market., typically the largest market for U.S. soybeans.  Australia has also identified the production of non-GMO soybeans as a way to compete against the U.S.  Brazil and China are using the same non-GMO marketing strategy to capture business from Japan, the largest market for U.S. corn.  Did you know that U.S. corn export competitors were taking these non-GMO marketing initiatives?
Fifty-six percent of respondents stated that they were aware of these types of marketing strategies by competing countries. With significantly increased response rates in: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
Forty-three percent of respondents stated that they were not aware of the current marketing strategies of competing countries.  However, South Dakota, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin were noted with increased numbers of respondents.  However, they were not aware of this type of competition. One percent stated that they did not know.
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